
Showing posts with the label Trench Knife

All You Need To Know About the Brass Knuckle Knife

The brass knuckle knife is a weapon of great importance, both historically and even in today’s world. Also known as the trench knife, the weapon was used by militaries to give soldiers an upper hand in one on one combats. It was first used by the British army and later on, other armies followed their footsteps. In today’s world where there is an increased rate of crimes, everyone needs to remain well equipped and on top of their game at all times. And for this very reason, the Brass Knuckle Knife  proves to be very lethal as it is a knife with brass knuckle handles.  Build of the Knuckle Duster Knife Brass knuckles Brass knuckles are also known as knuckle dusters and when combined with the knife, the product is known as the knuckle duster knife. Knuckle dusters are made up of hard metal and have a different number of finger holes. In the case of this knife they usually have four finger holes which provide for greater control of the knife. One right punch delivered prov