Nunchucks vs Martial Arts Weapons: A Detailed Comparison

Nunchucks are one of the many martial arts weapons that had been used for a long time. The Nunchucks were made up of two rounded sticks that were joint with each other by a thick chain.

Ninjas used the nunchaku for the protection of their loved ones, belongings, and villages. Turning into a ninja was a tough deal as it required a lot of passion and patience. The ninjas had to practice their skills with and without the weapons by putting in a lot of effort.

Although all ninja weapons are great on their own, however, the nunchucks stand out from the rest due to some reasons. Let us find out in detail.

Comparison between Martial Arts Weapons and Nunchucks for Sale

The ninja star also known as the shuriken is a famous weapon that was used by the ninjas. However, the stars either get lost once you throw them or get damaged when they hit a hard surface. On the other hand, the nunchaku does not get damaged and you cannot even lose it.

The bo staff is another weapon that was used by the ninjas. Although the staff had the ability to hit multiple enemies at a time the uses of the staff are only limited to that. On the other hand, the nunchaku for sale is good at hitting enemies and you can even choke anyone to death with the thick chain they have.

The ninja sword is another weapon that has been widely used by the ninjas. However, the short size of the swords requires you to come closer to hit your enemies whereas the nunchucks can be used to hit enemies from a distance, either by holding them from one end or by throwing them at your enemies.

Sai is another popular weapon that you might have seen. The short size of the weapon limits it to stabbing enemies from close. On the other hand, the nunchaku can be used from a distance to attack enemies.

This was a comparison of the best nunchucks with a few popular ninja weapons. You can see how the weapon stands out from other weapons. If you mean serious business, it is recommended you buy this weapon over the others.

Uses of the Best Nunchucks

Now that you know why the nunchucks stand out from other weapons, let us get you acquainted with the uses of the weapon.

  • Self Defense

Just like the ninjas used the weapon for their safety, you can do the same with the weapon by carrying it along or by keeping it at home. You can hit enemies by throwing the weapon at them, you can hit it with one handle or you can even choke them with the weapon.

  • Collection

Just like people do with so many other weapons, you can add the weapon to your collection. As the weapon is different from regular weapons that you often see and has an amazing history behind it, it tends to be a unique weapon to collect. Add it to your collection and display it and people will be amazed.

  • Movie Props

You can also use the weapon as a movie prop especially if it involves martial arts. The good thing about the weapon is that it is cheap and gives a realistic feel. Similarly, if you are dressed like a ninja for your cosplay event, you can carry the weapon along with you and it will surely give you a cool look.

Are Nunchucks Illegal in the US?

The legality of nunchucks varies from state to state. You can carry the weapon with ease in some, whereas some states restrict carrying. If you are carrying the weapon for self defense, there should not be much of a problem.

Can Nunchucks Kill?

Another question that has been widely asked is if the weapon can kill. The weapon is lethal and can cause serious injuries, however, the weapon is not life-threatening.

Buy Nunchucks and Create a Difference

Now that you know a lot about the weapon, it is time for you to buy nunchucks. The prices of the weapons under this category are very cheap so that everyone gets to afford them. You can buy one for yourself or can buy the weapon in bulk to make a profit out of it. Either case, it will be you, who will be benefitting from the amazing. Check out the collection of the weapon and buy your real nunchucks today.


  1. Anyone can learn these tricks, but first, you should have a reliable martial tool for this purpose. One of those tools is called real nunchucks.


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